=4 Our Marching Orders

We'll learn: This SENT Trio helps us to understand our marching authority, and associated elements.

It was badly broken and must be fixed immediately. The unity of the hand-picked team of disciples was not in any shape to get their plan and launch out in loving leadership spreading the Gospel of salvation and service to the world. In writing to the Jews about Jesus, Matthew caps off his book with the simple marching orders, God has inspired him to put in writing for you and I.

If you built a bolts 'n beams steel bridge across a deep dark chasm, it's easily seen the whole bridge must be a well-built unit with all the parts in their proper place, and of the highest quality. That bridge will be no stronger than its weakest part. What are some other examples where one weak link destroys the unity and power of the whole? Could this principle also be applied to all the principles and activities within our own character and manner of living?

Matthew 28:17 tells us 'that some doubted'. Christ's team of disciples had some bad parts and needed to be fixed immediately with simple powerful authoritatively direct marching orders. Just like a great football coach would hope to do, the 'players', the disciples got it straight and simple enough to be able to write the exact words on their hearts and in their minds.

'All power'. - we easily see this all refers to energy; force to move people or processes in the desired direction. But it also refers to authority. Jesus reminded his team, and us, that He ALONE has the responsibility and approval, from His heavenly Father to command the team of disciples, that includes us too. It's crucial here, to realize that Satan and his demons have only the power that Jesus allows them to have. When Christ says He's in control, that means EVERYTHING!

'Go ye'. - Jesus says, “Don't let some preacher or church committee do the work. YOU GO!” How would you have liked sitting in that team group and look into the eyes of the One with power that mankind can't begin to describe? His eyes reach into your soul saying to “get on your hard hat and tool belt and launch out.”

'Teaching all Nations' – I think it's just wonderful that God gave us the word 'ALL'. It's so clean and simple. There is no room for debate or discussion about where and how much. All is all. Any 8 year old will tell you all is 'nothing left out'. Our outreach to teens and others, extends beyond our own family, church, neighborhood, and nation. In Acts 1:8, the church (that's us) is given its marching orders in an interesting way. The church's outreach was to include 'in Samaria'. You can think of the Samaritans (from the Jewish point of view) as being half-breeds, outcasts, worthless appearing. I can imagine Jews today looking at our teens with orange hair, excessive black makeup, chains hanging all over themselves, and saying, “Boy. Those teens are about like Samaritans – no good, worthless, the rotten apples in our barrel of good church folks.” Name some other groups of souls that may never truly lovingly hear the gospel because of prejudice and unfounded bias.

'Teaching them to observe ALL' – What are we to teach all these nations and teens with orange hair? The answer is simple... what Jesus has taught us. This is the supreme act of spreading the word. If you are a person with enlarged 'bragging bones'... here is your chance. Speaking about Christ and His blessings to us – you just can't possibly exaggerate. Isn't that great... I mean – GREAT!
'I am with you, always' – Is there any part of the word 'always' you don't understand? You need to teach the meaning of this truth to others today... time is running out... GO YE!